
Showing posts from January, 2022

POOR CATS!!!!!!!!!

  Did you know that Pope Gregory IV declared on cats? To all my fellow cat lovers, you will understand that shock the felt when I heard this. He did this because he thought that black cats were a tool of Satan. When he ordered the cats to be exterminated, another problem came in. Because the cats were gone, all the rats came out and spread the plague!


Did you know that in Ancient Greece, people used to believe that red headed people turned into vampires after they died? If you are a red head, you have absolutely nothing to worry about, LOL. This thought process only came about because the Mediterranean Greeks have olive skin tones and dark features, whereas red heads have pale skin and are sensitive to sunlight. You can see why they would think this.  


 Did you know that there is a room in Microsoft's headquarters that has been crowned the title of world's ''quietest room"? It's true! The guy who made it, Hundraj Gopal says this: "As soon as one enters the room, one immediately feels a strange and unique sensation which is hard to describe." He also said: "When you turn your head, you can hear that motion. You can hear yourself breathing and it sounds somewhat loud." I think that I would be terrified to step into that room, lol.


  Did you know that you don't learn to smile, it's just natural. That's why newborn babies sometimes smile after they come out their mamas. It's not just a reflex. It's kind of like God gave us the gift to smile. Use it everywhere you go, even if you aren't feeling well. :)


   Just in case you did not know, aspirin is a medicine used for getting rid of pain. Now that you know this, I'll tell you about the fact. Did you know that you can use a tree as a substitute for aspirin? This tree is called a white willow tree. The white willow's bark has a chemical in it called salicin, which can be used to relieve pain and has anti-inflammatory effects.